Sunday, June 28, 2009


All Those Fussy Comments

Franklin , Tennessee - it's not surprising to me about some of the comments I have received about my feelings for Franklin Police. Well , it's like this , if Franklin Police are so " Fucking Horny " for some young and tender " Pootang " , then they should go stalk their own Damn 16 year old daughters and leave mine alone.

Meanwhile , if KoolAid is so naive about Franklin Police keeping tabs on his blog , then that's his problem. After all , he has been told. And , just because he lives out of state , does not make him safe from the long arm of Jay Johnson. Law enforcement agencies across this country DO co operate with each other , regardless if it's legal or not.

Meanwhile , back at the Farm , there are a couple of posts coming up and if you don't want the police to know you read them , then don't come around. You can't say you were'nt warned.

franklin police suck. what's not to understand ?
Well DUH ! No Fucking Frack , Sherlock !
When a good officer looks away from a bad officer , then they are booth bad officers
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