Thursday, June 30, 2011
Conan Decrees " SIZE MATTERS "
Later , Conan boldly stated , " I am all the night time TV that matters to this world , so let them judges judge me now. " Later again , after the applause had died down , Conan added , " There's no way those judges can measure up to me. Just look at this. I am AWESOME ! "
video courtesy NBC
Jerry : Wow O WoooowwwW man , did you see Conan's statue ?
BVD : Yeah ( yawn ) , what about it ?
Jerry : Well , geeee , I had'nt realized you were so excited about it. The crowd I mean , listen at that crowd , would'nt you want someone to think of you in some kind of big way ?
BVD : I do have someone who thinks of me being big in a particular kind of way and they do think about it all the time. Heh , heh , heh Besides , that's just Conan. Since when was the last time you saw me get excited over Conan
Jerry : Oh , of course , I'm sure
BVD : Besides , there's a China sticker on the butt of that thing. You can see Conan remove it when the camera pans around back
Jerry : ( carefully watches the rerun ) Oh man , that's the front of that Damn thing , not the back. How could you not notice ? Hey , wait a just a Fracking minute. What's Conan doing to that statue ? Back that up again in slo-mo this time.
BVD : Whooooops :)