Tuesday, June 30, 2009


In " The Police " We Trust

Franklin , Tennessee - now that Franklin Police have pulled out of the neighborhood , it's amazing at the " $uperfund " , my neighbors have recently $pent for their own home $ecurity. After all , it's funny watching the police Fuck someone , until it's realized that is , the police can do it to them just ass well , if they should ever fall out of favor with the city politicians , aka Jay Johnson , who by the way , is still ordering his " Dogs " around.
I mean , my neighbors finally had a " Smart Type Brain Fart " , or STBF for short. Now let's think this thought thru , shall we? To have a home security system , you will also need a home alarm permit. Jay Johnson thought this problem thru also , which is why you can only get this permit , from his own , personal , Franklin Police Department. Your security company info is also on the permit application. This way , if the police want into your home , they will cook up a story to tell your security company , so they will let them into your home , without your knowledge.
Note : the police also do the same thing with the phone company field personnel , which allows them to circumvent needing a court order to tap your phone :)

Remember , the law controls the law and it will be manipulated in anyway , Jay Johnson sees fit.

Now , finally , we are able to answer several unanswered questions , at the same time. Remember earlier , I was asking why it is , that so many people want to live here in Franklin ? The answer is so obviou$. It'$ all about the money and the simple fact that the police are for $ale.
Have you noticed the expensive homes here in Franklin ? Those homeowners are making more money than the combined average total of 98% of all Franklinites. Which means , they have something going on and I'm not talking about something in the oven. With that kind of money dribbling into their pockets , they can easily afford to throw the police a bone percentage of their $lush Fund. Now do you understand why Chief jackie refuses to retire ? He's not ready to give up the treasury just yet.

And what's that you say ? You can not afford to pay the police a simple quid or two and yet , you also want to own a piece of the law and have them stuffed in your pocket , ( just in case ) Well , I'm sure that's not a problem. After all , most $ecurity firms of this type , handling this kind of money , will have a variety of monthly , easy pay , " Pay Ass You Go " plans , or PAYG for short. I'm sure Franklin Police will have a PAYG plan to suit your need$.

Think about this. Franklin Police are like eels , swimming around in their money pool , while the Sheriff's department can not afford a cup of coffee. Does this tell you anything ? Anything at all ? Have you seen the size of those Greek columns ? If not , then I suggest you check 'em out and perhaps then , you will be able to do the math. Meanwhile , when the dust finally settles down around the columns , the next storm will probably be over the size of those offices.

Butt hey ! It's only money , right ?

Note : I was wondering , if the sheriff's department had their own Citizen's Academy , would they then , be able to buy that cup of coffee ? And with that cup of coffee , would that extra money make them be , just ass dishonest ass Franklin Police ? Now do you understand the meaning behind those Greek columns ?

is jj wheelings and dealings the reason he wants bvds ass on his wall
why is johnson gone ? did he forget someone in his wheelings and dealings ?
According to BVD , he forgot to give someone their percentage
Maybe BVD really is JJ. Ever seen the two together?
Damn Jerry , I thought JJ was gone. What's with this garbage ?
Hmm , JJ and BVD the same person ? Well , that would explain the cross dressing
The garbage is simply this. People like you are naive. That's what makes Franklin so special. Now do you understand why Saturn came to Franklin instead of Columbia ? Now do you understand why Franklin has a FSSD ?
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