Tuesday, June 30, 2009
In " The Police " We Trust
I mean , my neighbors finally had a " Smart Type Brain Fart " , or STBF for short. Now let's think this thought thru , shall we? To have a home security system , you will also need a home alarm permit. Jay Johnson thought this problem thru also , which is why you can only get this permit , from his own , personal , Franklin Police Department. Your security company info is also on the permit application. This way , if the police want into your home , they will cook up a story to tell your security company , so they will let them into your home , without your knowledge.
Note : the police also do the same thing with the phone company field personnel , which allows them to circumvent needing a court order to tap your phone :)
Remember , the law controls the law and it will be manipulated in anyway , Jay Johnson sees fit.
Now , finally , we are able to answer several unanswered questions , at the same time. Remember earlier , I was asking why it is , that so many people want to live here in Franklin ? The answer is so obviou$. It'$ all about the money and the simple fact that the police are for $ale.
Have you noticed the expensive homes here in Franklin ? Those homeowners are making more money than the combined average total of 98% of all Franklinites. Which means , they have something going on and I'm not talking about something in the oven. With that kind of money dribbling into their pockets , they can easily afford to throw the police a bone percentage of their $lush Fund. Now do you understand why Chief jackie refuses to retire ? He's not ready to give up the treasury just yet.
And what's that you say ? You can not afford to pay the police a simple quid or two and yet , you also want to own a piece of the law and have them stuffed in your pocket , ( just in case ) Well , I'm sure that's not a problem. After all , most $ecurity firms of this type , handling this kind of money , will have a variety of monthly , easy pay , " Pay Ass You Go " plans , or PAYG for short. I'm sure Franklin Police will have a PAYG plan to suit your need$.
Think about this. Franklin Police are like eels , swimming around in their money pool , while the Sheriff's department can not afford a cup of coffee. Does this tell you anything ? Anything at all ? Have you seen the size of those Greek columns ? If not , then I suggest you check 'em out and perhaps then , you will be able to do the math. Meanwhile , when the dust finally settles down around the columns , the next storm will probably be over the size of those offices.
Butt hey ! It's only money , right ?
Note : I was wondering , if the sheriff's department had their own Citizen's Academy , would they then , be able to buy that cup of coffee ? And with that cup of coffee , would that extra money make them be , just ass dishonest ass Franklin Police ? Now do you understand the meaning behind those Greek columns ?
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