Saturday, July 25, 2009


Franklin Police Use of Electronic Harassment Device

Franklin , Tennessee - What is electronic harassment ? I first learned about this at Vanderbilt. It's nothing more than simple minded , microwave technology. You do have a microwave oven at home don't you ? Well , now that you know what I'm talking about , this device is used , to disrupt a person's ability to think.

Franklin Police has one of these , to use ass a tool. For example , in a hostage situation , this would be used to disrupt the kidnapper's thinking abilities , so they would make mistakes and therefore make it easier to take them down.
Of course , the down side to the police having this device is the simple fact that they enjoy using it on people they don't like , just for the Fracking fun of it all. Remember , the police do not have accountability.

Let's see what else it can do , shall we ?

Headaches are just Fracking awful. In a 6 month old infant , the blood vessels in their eyeballs will pulsate , while they scream bloody assed murder. And no , Franklin Police don't give a Frack ! In fact , they think it's funny.
Mood swings are typical. Anything and every little thing will piss a person off. High blood pressure and suicidal thoughts are also common. Reading is difficult and can be next to impossible to understand. Crank up the watts on this cute little toy and watch it kill people. Otherwise , a person will be doing things that they would not normally think about doing. Finger nails will also crack. Over an extended period of exposure , any injuries will take unusually longer to heal. Remember , this is a microwave , it's just radiation exposure.

Your pets will look sick all the time and the vet will be clueless ass to why

So called research has been performed routinely , on various animals for years. I was being interviewed during one such experiment , to observe if a cat can determine the direction , the device was located. ( The microwave sends a radiation signal in one direction only. This means , if you know what is happening to you , you will feel what direction the signal is coming from. ) After the test was over , the cat was shaking uncontrollably. ( I would call this torture instead of research , how about you ? This is the stuff , animal rights advocates get twisted over ) After seeing the test results , I told them I can not be a part of this. Meanwhile , over time , I heard stories about heating up their brains just to watch their skulls pop open. ( there were too many animals in inventory to feed/keep up ) I guess some people get excited at the sight of smoke coming out of something's ears. Well , think about it , a microwave heats up food does it not ? The brain is just another piece of sweet meat.

Now you might ask me , " How is it , I know about the pulsating eyeballs in infants. " Well , I've heard about it in baby monkeys and I've seen it on a baby human. The main thing about babies , is the simple fact , their little immature brains can not tolerate that radiation. In other words , their little brain probably feels like it's cooking. Remember , this thing is just like a microwave oven. Now , don't you feel better , knowing that Franklin Police have this toy in their inventory of fun and harassment games ? I know I sure do.

People have joked about this thing saying , " It's like committing the perfect crime , because it's like a light bulb. If it's on and no one sees it on , how does anyone know it was ever on ? "

I can tell you about it because I've seen it. And Det. Black of Franklin Police knows I have

p.s. - Vanderbilt threatened me in a horrible way , about what would happen if I ever , ever and I do mean EVER , mentioned this research to anyone. Since Franklin Police have this and are maliciously using it to harass people , I've decided to talk about it now , so come and get me.

Note - if you Google this subject , the pictures you see do not look like the same item owned by the police. Their toy has a tube coming out the front with the sheet metal formed around it and is painted black for stealth. A heavy weight tripod is also useful. This thing can also be mobile by mounting it inside an SUV ( with darker than normal , blacked out windows ) using the rail system.

Another note : Still don't understand this electronic harassment concept ? O Kay , here goes - remove the door from a microwave oven. Now , point the open oven at someone and turn the damn thing on. Effective range can be several hundred feet. ( This is the Sunday school version. )

Now do you understand why KoolAid left Franklin

As ever on the Internet: "picture or it didn't happen"
I have Det. Black of Franklin Police for a witness. Surely he wouldn't lie about it. If only to protect his ass :)
And besides , KA did leave Franklin :) That's 2
are you retarted or just off your meds?? the police use a mind microwave to keep us from thinking for there fun and enjoyment.. are u stupid??
Hmmm , this would explain the reverse effects
I see some people don't get it eh , Jer
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