Friday, July 10, 2009


Why Alaska Lost Thier Governor

Franklin , Tennessee - it's truly amazing how naive and / or ignorant , the American people are. Palin left office because she knows about the GOP secret meetings about starting up a new social style government.

In the 200+ years , THE CONSTITUTION of THE UNITED STATES has never been used. Therefore , why have it standing in the way of government ? Do you remember President Daddy Bush speeching about a New World Order ? It's coming and Palin wants in on the ground floor.

If you don't believe me , go ask your GOP rep about the new government in the making. It's happening right now ass you read this. Can you imagine what America would be like today , if THE CONSTITUTION was used , by the people ? Let's take a look here :

Americans would have free health care
Politicians would do their job instead of doing what they want to do for themselves
Government would do as the people said do , not the people doing what the government says do
NASA would have a manned presence on Mars
Gas would be 39 cents a gallon
There would be no tax on tea
America would not be TRILLION$ in debt

Now do you have a hint ass to why Franklin Police act the way they do ?

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