Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Are You Cussing and Pissed Off? (or just peed on)

Understandably today , Americans are losing their civility. TennCare doesn't care any more , insurance payments continue going up while quality of health care goes down while Franklin Police are dysfunctionanaly confused about what the law is for while their former leader , Jay Johnson continually suffers with continual chronic brain farting , causing him to forget his memory lapses , he's no longer the "King" of The City of Franklin any more while the Titans sportsball professionals continue getting their ass' kicked on live TV for our weekend entertainment while America can no longer win a war any more and The Bank of America fleeces their customers while AIG gets Flakked , Fracked and Flucked for other's corporate dishonesty problems while Ebay now expects all sellers to give everyone free shipping. So now , to help all of US Americans with our US problems comes - Yep , you guessed it , "HELP" for what ails US all -

I can't make up my mind I mean to say Im not sure which it is. Kan you help me ?
I'm not sure. Can U tell me more?
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