Monday, September 28, 2009


Making Friend$ in Franklin

Franklin , Tennessee - there's another party for the wealthy and of course , no police will be in the area in case someone goes home driving drunk. The City of Franklin , just can not have any of their prestigious and wealthy getting arrested for such petty crimes , that the little people get arrested for , on a daily basis.

I know of a wreck on Franklin Road causing thousands of dollars in property damage. Heavy drinking was involved. Commander Barnes (now retired Franklin Police) made sure the driver received a DUI courtesy and no charges were made. By making sure , no one gets charged with DUI in the Franklin Road area , Franklin Police will have no reason to have check points there. DUH ! ! ! ! ! Manipulating information is what Franklin Police do. This is'nt rocket science and the math is way too easy here.

The KoolAid blog currently has a post about a party and DUI check points on Franklin Road. Here are some of the comments -

Franklin Police will be holding sobriety checkpoints this weekend between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. “on one or more” of at least three roadways in Franklin: Hillsboro Road, Murfreesboro Road (Hwy96) and Columbia Avenue.

But police won’t have a checkpoint on Franklin Road.

Franklin Road, I need to add, is the site of the Harlinsdale Farm park where the Heritage Ball will be held this year — and alcohol is served at the Heritage Ball.

So, I asked Franklin Police spokesman Charlie Warner why police wouldn’t want to set up a checkpoint on Franklin Road.

Statistically speaking, it didn’t make sense.

“The site selection process is based on statistical data that captures DUI and DUI crash history,” Warner told me in an e-mail. “That stretch of Franklin Road is not an area with notable DUI related statistics.”

Here are some remarks -

The Factory at Franklin is on Franklin Road, at the corner of Liberty Pike and Franklin Road. They have some swinging "get drunk" parties at The Factory, really stinking drunk, commode hugging drunk parties. Never any DUI arrests there.

The DUI data is collected from incident reports detailing DUI related crashes and arrests. Again, as I've said in the past, checkpoints have many requirements to operate legally. What you should really be asking is if the DUI saturation patrols (a large number of officers driving around and looking for DUIs), also paid for by the same government grant as the checkpoint, will be covering this area. The answer to that question is yes. Checkpoints must be based on data, but anywhere can be "saturated".

You're continuously barking up the wrong tree with these checkpoint conspiracy theories. They are mostly for PR purposes with the bulk of enforcement (and, statistically, arrests) coming from patrolling.

Public Safety, I respect the jobs of the men and women who put their lives on the line everyday. I know for a fact you patrol and look for drunks. However, I also know for a fact there are numerous cases of overlooking certain drunks in Franklin. You are not naive to this anymore than I. Officers of every rank have admitted to this practice. There are just certain people some of those officers "can't" or "won't" stop or arrest. It's a common practice of some to call their buddies at the FPD prior to going out to find out where the patrols/checkpoints will be and to give a heads up to their plans "just in case."

When you think about , it does make sense to go where the drunks are , butt this is Franklin , where the wealthy are in bed with the police. You know , that "Green" stuff Franklin is so busy with these days , money. The wealthy make payments to the FOP and in return , they don't get arrested.

Have you ever noticed the crooked smile on a judge's face? He is laughing at you for not paying the law to stay out of trouble. When was the last time you heard of a judge being arrested in Franklin? It just does'nt happen. I know a judge who had sex with a minor and many people knew it including the police. Did they do anything? Nope , and besides , why should they? It's not their job to arrest a judge. Butt , it is their job to hunt down and arrest sexual predators on the internet. And since that judge was not interneting , well , you know how it is.

That's right , they've been paid to look the other way.

Remember and don't ever forget - this is how it is in Franklin. Money buys whatever you want , including the law. If you think I'm lying , ask Detective Black. I'm serious , don't take my word for it , go ask him and let's see if he lies to you.

Now do you understand why so many wealthy people want to live here?

people dont get it. Franklin Police cater to the rich and wealthy because that's where the extra money comes from. The little people only pay taxes and nothing more like the other guys do. Yep , da police are paid to give more care to them than us.
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