Wednesday, October 07, 2009



Franklin , Tennessee - by now , every COMCASTIC COMCAST subscriber has heard about their rates going up again. This rate increase is not a one time percent thing. It's an across the board thing. Every little service thing you u$e with COMCAST has an increase. Every package has an increase. That'$ right people , all those little thing$ add up to more than ju$t a rate increa$e.

And perhaps you are wondering why? Not a problem , I'll tell you why.

The COMCASTIC COMCAST CEO recieved an incredible bonu$ check along with hi$ regular paycheck and perk$. I'm talking about a really , really , REALLY , ob$ence bonu$ check. Now , after recieving the check , COMCA$TIC's little piggy bank wa$ pretty well tapped out. Yep , the company wa$ about broke. $oooooooo , the deci$ion wa$ made to rai$e the rate$ on everything to prevent layoffs.

Now , with this fact out of the water for everyone to see , let's take a moment to think about this , shall we? Instead of laying off a lot of little people for the holiday season to save money , let's lay off the CEO. Just think about all of the money COMCAST would save. Just think about all of the jobs that would be saved.

Here's something more to think about - COMCAST created the AZN channel. It provided Asians with their culture on TV. The channel was making money and showed lots of potential to make lots more. However , COMCASTIC COMCAST CEO decided having his pockets filled to over flowing with ca$h money was more important than Asian subscribers and so he did away with AZN and with it , Asian Americans have no idea how SAARA AKAASH ended. And that's just the tip of the Asian pyramid.

Meanwhile MOJO came along with some interesting programming , including shows like Getting Abroad. This channel was another succe$$ story for COMCAST. Again however , the CEO decided his greed was more important than the customers and he did away with MOJO. And again , COMCAST customers were without their newly found favorite programming.

This is my answer to COMCAST '$ greed. I've cut back on the service I receive from COMCAST. Aaaaaand , when the rates go up again to line the CEO's pocket$ , I will cut back again. Just think about all of the ca$h money I will save , by cutting back on COMCAST service. I mean like , is it really necessary for me to line the CEO's pockets? With all the money he is making before the bonu$ check$ , does he really need that BIG a bonu$? Nope , not at all. My programming needs are more important. That's why I'm the customer and he's not and if I'm not going to be treated like a king , then I don't need him or his COMCASTIC COMCAST lack of programming

Yep , that satellite system is looking better and better (and costs le$$)

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