Saturday, October 10, 2009


Moon Shot

Franklin , Tennessee - by now everyone is still scratching their heads over what happened? No fireworks , no plume , no nuttin! But the telemetry says otherwise. It's amazing how these scientist over look the so obvious. There was no plume because the moon has no air. Here on earth , we enjoy air which is a medium for making clouds. The moon does not have such , therefore no plume from this test. How fast we forget seeing the launch of the lunar lander from the moon. Do you remember seeing a plume during liftoff? I still remember the Apollo program.

Meanwhile , here's what the news is'nt telling US. This test was for The Pentagon. You see , after spending Billions of Trillions of dollars , The Pentagon has finally realized , nuclear weapons are not the answer to annihilating the enemy. All you need is a big rock hurling from space and upon impact , it's all gone , without the deadly radiation radiating in all directions while poisoning everything it touches.

You think I'm kidding don't you. Look , Congress does not have 3 Billion dollars to give NASA for another moon program. Butt , they do have lying around , an extra 400 Billion dollars every year for The Pentagon's weapons research programs. NASA got the money from someone to do this test , since NASA has no spending money these days. Now , for those who don't believe me , go do the math again. What do you find?

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