Saturday, November 14, 2009


Franklin's Infamous Speed Traps

Franklin , Tennessee - anyone living in and/or around Franklin , knows all too very well about our Franklin Police Department's infamous speed traps.

This morning , a friend took me on a round 'bout and it was'nt too difficult to find a Franklin Police speed trap. He parked the car and we trotted on over to a good sit spot , near the place cars would typically pull over and get their fair assessment taxed for speeding.

We had'nt sat there long , when , "Here they come." The officer seemed to be in a bad mood butt he grinned none the less. "Butt" , then again however , he walked up to the car in a different manner ass opposed to other vehicles.

FPD : You were going 25 miles over the speed limit. What am I going to do with you
car : Hello "_ " , I'm in a hurry to a client
FPD : I see (his grin widens) well , now you owe me another one. (speaking softly , butt over heard none the less)
car : (smiling , she winks an eye at the officer , gets out a calendar) I've got a Thursday open

Well people , I'll let you fill in the rest of this conversation. Now do you understand why police officers don't want you getting to close to them? (you might over hear something- hint , hint , hint)

Hey Horn-i just read about torturing that baby. You know when tha police torture an infant or a prisoner or just anyone for that matter it shows a break down in our society
Franklin Police have a problem alright I don't know what it is I only know they have problem
Their problem is , they have no accountability , knowing this , they act ass they Damn well please
You would think the police were politicians by the way they all act
If they were elected , their election logo and forum would be "The JackAss of Tennessee" or maybe , "The Tennessee JackAss"

Which one do you think sounds better?

Should I put up a poll?
How about The Tennessean's Jackass
Damn Horn can't you have anything good to say about Franklin police?
Anon 10:46 - Sure I do. Butt first , I need your help to find something good to say about them
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