Monday, November 30, 2009


Hey Buddy , Can You Spare Some Food ?

America today - remember the good ole days? There was always a nickle , jingling around in your pocket for that afternoon ice cream cone.

Today , that nickle won't buy the cone to put the ice cream in. BUTT , our government has $400 Billion dollars every year , just to spend on military weapons research. Mean while , back in Afghanistan , our soldiers are still issued weapons , that are engineered to jam in a critical moment.

Today , more Americans can not afford to eat. BUTT , our government has money , to lavishly entertain "special" people at Our White House (no little people or hungry people allowed)

Today , most Americans can not afford health insurance. BUTT , our government officials don't need health insurance because "We The (little) People" , pay for all of their health care needs.

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