Thursday, November 12, 2009


The TRUTH About 2012

I'm sure everyone has seen the sci-fi shows about 2012. And now NASA tells US , there's nothing to worry about. 2013 will arrive on schedule.

Let's take a look at what the news won't tell US. NASA is the people who put man on the moon , fifty years ago. Today , NASA can not put a man into simple earth orbit without help from the Russians and besides that , NASA still can't put a school teacher into space without killing her. If NASA had to return to the moon today , they would have to send a robot , that was built in Japan and then give it to the Russians , so they can launch it. And Obama thinks people are going to listen , to a dilapidated , defunked and castrated government agency like NASA?

I , speaking only for myself , have better sense than that.

O Kay then. What is the TRUTH about 2012? Remember that silly little clown of a president , named Bush? Remember how he needed money. Lot's of money. What did he do? He took part in a scam to attack America (9/11) , to make a war happen and My Oh My , how the money did flow. Remember how many times Bush asked for money? Then he would ask for even more and then saying he won't need any more , butt , he turns around and asks for more money any way , and he gets it. The War on Terror is a distraction from what our government is actually doing.

Today , our government has newly built , secret , underground bunkers. (just in case a nuclear bomb hits Washington , the government can continue to function) This being the case , why has our government built underground bunkers in Antarctica? That's right people. Our government has bunkers in the South Pole. Why? Because when the poles shift , those bunkers will be in a warmer climate. Washington most likely might be in a frozen area (and/or be destroyed) , when it's over. Don't you think The South Pole is a little bit too far away , to be running a government around here?

Remember President "Daddy" Bush? He kept talking about a New World Order. When this is all over , these guys will appear to come out of the ground and then take over the world. Or what's left , that is.

These guys have salted away all kinds of weapons , equipment , supplies and aircraft. They are ass I'm writing , training their "Army" , to take care of things when Shit hits the fan. Are you familiar with CALEA? That's part of it.

Yes people , when it happens , our government will be safe from global destruction while US , "The People" , stare "Death" in the face , square on. Look , this earth has been thru some make overs , during the passage of thousands of centuries in time. And earth will get another makeover in 2012. Think I'm making this up? Did you know , that right here in Tennessee , if you dig straight down 500 feet , you will find a strata filled with petrified sea life? Now ask yourself , "How did sea life get itself 500 feet under rock and dirt?" Look at other places on this planet and you will find massive land areas , that used to be an ocean. Ask yourself , "How did that happen?" Yes people , it will happen again. What's about to happen will not be the end of the world or this planet. Butt , however , it will be the end of civilization ass we know it , today.

Remember that Mayan calendar , that everyone refers to? Did you know it was stolen from a museum and there are no clues ass to who took it or even why? Are you going to tell me , that a stone weighing several tons , just walked out the door one night and there's no evidence ass to who took it? Someone wanted that calendar for a reason and it has not been recovered. Why? And why won't the news tell US about it?

I'm taking 2012 seriously. What are you doing? I mean , if our government is taking this thing seriously , then why should we ignore it?

Look , there stands today , various remains of great civilizations from eons ago. We do not know what happened to them nor do we really know any thing about the people. Butt , what ever happened to them , can also happen to US (America). Our nuclear arsenal , can not , will not and won't , stop it.

Note : People , the days of a nuclear bomb hitting Washington , are long gone and over with. The Pentagon constantly monitors bomb grade material from space , 24/7. Ass for a dirty bomb? There are too many safe guards in place for even that to happen. The reason 9/11 was a success was because our government was behind it. (President Bush was not in Washington at the time. That's why he used a body double) Remember , The United States monitors ALL communications traffic on this planet. They have computer power , that the general public can not imagine.

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