Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Food For Wisdomic Thought

Franklin , Tennessee - The United States of America , is the only country on the planet , that allows another country to invade it , without firing a shot.

And , The United States of America also gives those same invaders a monthly check , free food , free housing , aaaaand , free medical benefits. All of this is paid for , by "US" , American citizens.

Meanwhile , ass more and more and more Americans , lose their homes , these foreign invaders are given these foreclosed homes with zero interest loans , subsidized by our American government.

That same government continues pretending to want to do the right thing about America's health care system , while giving concessions to individual states.

Meanwhile , America still can not have an honest football game.



Jerry Horne

Merry Christmas to you.

enjoy your posts.

Hmm , does this count as a Christmas card? I'll put it in any way.

Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas to my local and far away friends. This blog is read in 29 countries.

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