Friday, January 29, 2010
More Happy Assed Horseshit
Franklin , Tennessee - just what is it , that is so illegal about "The Bible"? When I was in school , we had prayer. If you did'nt want to pray , no one threatened you with an inquisition. Those people prayed and shared their morning food with each other (only with each other) while those who did'nt want to pray , did'nt eat.
Now , after reading this , it's not how illegal it is , to have The Bible in school , it's about everyone being afraid of being proselytized.
Ohhhh , plplplpleeeease.
Was it the Fear Factor of being proselytized , the real reason for kicking The Ten Commandments out of the court houses? Or is it the simple fact , those people running the court house are themselves , involved in shady businesses.
Those are the people who are afraid of being proselytized and in the process of seeing the light , they are afraid of having to give back , all that they've illicitly made. Think about it. These people are more concerned about their wheeling , dealings and retirement funds (just ask any traffic court judge) , than about their souls. And they just pass their dysfunctional , two faced asses on to "The People" , just because they can.
You know what's really sad about all that pathetic greed? Ya can't take it with you when you die. When you're at the end of your "Green Mile" , you're at , "The End". That's right people , "The End" , ass in , "That's All Folks" , and that's when you die. Period.
Hmmmm. Maybe , just maybe - The Holy QUR' AN should be in our schools. Well , why not? After all , you don't hear anyone 'bitchin 'bout that. Think about it. When was the last time , our law makers complained about having The QUR' AN in our schools? When was the last time , someone feared of being proselytized by The QUR' AN? I mean really. Our law makers want US to know , how they are so profoundly religious and "Christian like" in nature , while they stir their Shit in our faces over having The BIBLE in school.