Friday, April 09, 2010


The Morality of it All

Afghanistan - the American coalition of combined fighting forces from the USA were told today , "No more pizza nor any of that other fine fast food you've become so fond of." This statement follows after another successful attack upon the moral of all fighting men and women who just finished stuffing themselves on more government MRE's. You know , the one's tainted with salt peter

video courtesy NBC

Being a Navy veteran , I know what it's like to be on the front line 24/7 , non-stop including weekends and holidays , while the sissified "Eggheads" hiding within the safety of The Pentagon , are eating free pizza delivery , at my taxpaying expense. Yep , I get to eat whatever "Cookie" is in the mood to cook or not , while the admiral eats whatever his mood commands.

I can tell you from experience , The Pentagon doesn't give a Shit about the little person in the trenches and never will. The medical care a veteran receives , tells you everything you would ever want to know about being in America's armed forces.

The last item on any list of some Damn admiral/Damn general has always been moral. After all , you can't touch it , you can't see it , so why bother yourself with it , right?

Let me tell you from my personal experience. Those fast french fries are way more important than somebody's fast fried bombs. Moral is more important than any one Eggheaded Moron hiding in The Pentagon's vast closet during this war , can ever imagine.

This whole thing is a direct attack on troop moral and nothing more.

the food places were most likley not making contributions to the right person, place or political party.
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