Monday, July 05, 2010


Versus Dead At Last

Vanderbilt University -BVD News - Versus finally died out and so many people are happy about it. Truth be known , over the last years , Vanderbilt managed to loose anyone and everyone capable of writing it. Some folks had left just because while others had left just because of it , until finally , it's gone and that's that. Whew!

By Charlie Kesslering
Published July 4 , 2010.

Versus Magazine (1968 - 2010)

Versus Magazine passed today, its young life stolen by the Vanderbilt Student Communications board. An embodiment of college culture, the rag lived hard, regularly indulging in music, fashion and entertainment. Many will remember Versus as a social climber, often seen canoodling with prominent musicians, acclaimed directors, and other artistic luminaries, always in an effort to be "picked-up." Few will disagree, Versus had plenty of issues. However, close acquaintances knew the magazine as a champion of camaraderie, a bastion of amusement—ever-clever and endearing, if not well-read. Its publication untimely discontinued, such a fate merely supports the axiom that only the good die young. Dean, Monroe, Lennon... Versus.

A friend to many, umbrella to some, Versus will be remembered Wednesday evening at the West End Avenue Chili's Grille & (more importantly) Bar. The service may or may not be worth a damn.

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