Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Obama Drops The Ball Again
In his quest to insure losing his bid for re-election , Obama is now putting a lid on pay raises for federal employees. This action is aimed to save the country a mere 28 Billion dollars over the course of a few years to help cut the deficit.
You know , I'm aware "Our" Congress has been Hen-pecked for the last 30 years to rein in their out-of-control spending habits which to this day , they have successfully continued to ignore and now President Obama has the idea of punishing the federal employees for allowing "Our" block heads in Congress to play around with this country's security ass they have been doing.
If the president is really serious about the deficit , he would take real action at the problem , which he won't do.
When Obama gets serious about the deficit , he can call me. I have the answer to the problem and I can fix it in 4 years.