Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Adderall On Campus

Vanderbilt University - If you watch morning TV then you probably saw the article on Adderall on college campuses being used to help students study while getting smarter and the truth is it just doesn't work. People are wasting their money and wasting their brains on the stuff while throwing their college education away.

Look , at Vanderbilt , Adderall isn't necessary or even needed. Vanderbilt has a high academic standard and to maintain that high standard , there are test files like those found in the engineering school.

At The Engineering School , there is no excuse for needing or even using drugs for study. There's always someone preying on the stupid people to make a buck off of. You know the type of stupid , those who don't think things thru and the Vanderbilt campus is no exception. It's been said this years graduation class had the highest use of study drugs on record and that's a lot of addicts thanks to Adderall.

Think about it. After you graduate , what do you do? Sooner or later the beast will come out for all to see.

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