Saturday, May 07, 2011
COMCAST Is Going Down
I know what I'm talking about here because I was over at COMCAST turning in all of my equipment and I had to stand in that line an hour and 10 minutes before being waited on since there was only one person taking the complaints and the equipment that day. Yep , she was all alone on a sinking ship.
Now that's a BIG DAMN in really big time. I mean I had to see it to believe it. Ass for AT&T , I now have more TV than I could ever hope to watch and I've got all of the movie channels at no extra cost.
So , if you are wanting a deal on TV I suggest you take a look at the other guy and decide for yourself. If you love TV you just might love AT&T. I know I does
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
Another thing about AT&T is they do not pull things over your head about the costs of a package or the unwanted addons like your people pull.
Granted I've had my fill of AT&T computer service not working and the AT&T repairman breaking more than he fixes butt you still have to weigh what's what in the end and AT&T wins.
I tried to explain this to one of your marketing execs butt he just knew more than I did and now look at COMCAST.
Yep , I tried to tell you butt I'm a just voice in a lonely wilderness.
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