Saturday, July 09, 2011


America"s Deficit Problem

With the last space shuttle mission currently under way , people are wondering why NASA does not have another manned space program afoot. The answer is that 200 Billion dollars have been spent and there's no more money available to fund NASA.

Let's take a look at something shall we? This nation spends 5oo Billion dollars annually just on researching war. This money comes right off the top of the annual budget before anyone else gets theirs. Now , after all these years of spending this kind of money on war , just how many wars are there to research? If you go back over the years , you find this nation has spent over 10 Trillion dollars on researching war.

Can you see a problem here people? What's even more disturbing is that when you read The Bible and you find America mentioned in Revelations. And yes , all the churches here in town are talking about it.

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