Saturday, November 29, 2008
Caption This

Franklin , Tennessee - there's a Richard Call in town , building up a photo biz. Here's an example of his work , ( with my help )
The person submitting the best/popular caption before Dec. 15 , wins the prize. Keep in mind , all caption ideas submitted , will belong to here.
Let the contest begin :
She ate my pacifier w/catchup
I uzed to be this tall , when I wuz 1 year old.
For some reason , midgets think this place is a nudist colony.
Gimme another year and I'll be this tall.
Give her time , I'm sure she will grow up to be big enough to work in The City of Franklin Leaf Department. I'll even buy her a rake that won't break and I will bet you , she can rake better than them boys
Un-reputable Ebay Sellers

I continue to receive emails about unreputable EBAY sellers and I will keep this list updated , so , if you buy from these people and get burned , remember , you should have stopped here first. People seem to think I know the good ones from the bad and the truth is , I don't know all of them. The fact is simply this : There are people in this world , who don't care about being honest and EBAY gives them a place to practice their fine art. Since I regularly shop on EBAY , I keep a " DO NOT DISTURB " list. This means , leave that seller alone , regardless of what they are selling. An excellent rule of thumb for catching a crooked seller , are the .99 cent starting bids. Check out their shipping costs and see what I'm talking about.
Here's the current list and it keeps growing and growing and ,
mytoyhobby - fucking rude and proud of it
coontail31 - misrepresents his items , laughs about it
goodstuff1968 - destroys the item in the packing process , claims he did not hear the plastic breaking , I don't think he will last long
durough - has problems distinguishing metal and plastic , repaints items and claims they are new
dd-748 - wishy washy , the lights are on , but , no one is home , related to jcmtin and comvail , buys reproduction plaques from Obez auctions and sells them in his ebay store , stating they are the real deal
sellmatesauction - says items are bronze , items are actually plastic , ignores emails , no returns period and that's final
hwredliner - does not want PayPal despite having it on his listings , sends hateful emails , fraud listings , no returns !
ssgtedusmc- this Marine veteran claims he can not tell the difference between brass and plastic Marine/Navy items , no warranty or returns
mrgreenjeanscloset - claims does not know difference between metal or plastic , upon pointing out their dishonest listing he whines about how bad " You " want this item , why do you want a refund ? why should I give it to you ? yes , I'll give you a refund for return shipping Butt - he's just another scammer on da 'bay
jaxpicker - this guy gets the cake award. He does not respond to emails for items won. Does not send the invoice or give his address to mail the payment , does not respond period. Waits a month to complain he has not been paid. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha give that boy some CAKE
ladyicy - un-reputable , nuff said
cva64 - uses ebay to find items to make a package auction , then says he was there , a typical listing is a patch , plaque and launching book for a submarine that he states , " He was there ". This guy is just another average liar
the dufflebag - sells plaster items that he claims are metal
jcmtin - sells fire damaged goods and says nothing in his listings , sells plastic items ass metal , uses the unpaid feature to extort more money for paid items , a simple liar
robbiebingo - charges excessive postage costs to cover their ebay fees
mr-hitz - absolutely fucking rude , which explains his horribly loooooow feedback score. Why is he on ebay ? Hm , perhaps this is the only way , he can get someone to notice him or get sexual relief.
donthompsonc - sells military stuff , tells you this " new " item is really World War II , just another vulture taking advantage of veterans who don't know what their stuff is worth
comvail - uses several Ebay names ( onlineshopr1 ) to buy , butt , uses this name to sell , makes money selling veterans memorabilia , enjoys making derogatory remarks about veterans , enjoys bloodsucking our veterans at high prices , uses ebay's email system to send rude messages , a very paranoid person
tasurplusdotnet - does not know the difference between metal and plastic , says one picture is plenty , no returns or warranty
Keyra 1974 - dysfunctional , refuses to give her name or address for a money order , refuses to accept a cash payment and complains about not being paid , does not understand English
jlauction 2007 - simple crook
ctymjy - does not return messages , double dipping in the shipping and insurance costs , does not pay for his winnings , items he sells are questionable
bargainhunter929 - does not accept money orders despite listings saying otherwise , new items are damaged goods , does not understand English
constoga - just plain fraud , does not understand being reputable , a vulture preying on disadvantaged veterans possessions for profit
lbinjax - sells brass items that are actually painted plastic
westpacjohn - a vulture preying on disadvantaged veteran's possessions for profit , says a 8 pound item is actually 4 pounds , a simple minded liar
artizaks - sells brass items that are actually Made in China painted plastic , another vulture preying on disadvantaged veterans for profit
199monte - does not pack items for shipping , ( you do have insurance , right ? )
ly014132 - double dipping in the shipping costs , does not combine shipping costs
evan709 - pure ass , enjoys hateful emails , lies on his listings , Why is he on Ebay ?
top40powertrio - listings say 5 dollars to ship item , charges 9 dollars on winning invoice
obez - his items are reproductions , made in his garage - not the real deal , does not tell the buyer. If you just have to have his item , wait , he will make another-so don't bid high , his bronze items are actually brass powder in resin , his submarines are the same mold using a different decal
evermike - double dipping in the shipping , poor packing
carolinagirl - claims she does'nt know anything about her items for sale , does'nt know how to pack for shipping , uses her fake baby for sympathy
maggios - fraudulant listings , wants to argue , refuses to make right , blames the buyer for buying his problems , his items have mice feces
I can not recommend anyone buying from these people. When you do , EBAY can be frustrating to contact because they are already buried from so many complaints. For some reason , EBAY will allow a seller of ill repute , to create another account and continue their way of business , under a different name. Ya know what ? Some of these people remind me of the good ole folks at Alexander Ford ( formerly Harpeth Ford ) on 96 , right here in Franklin. Well , you do have PayPal protection , right ?
If you are wondering why EBAY cannot be of more help with dishonest sellers , remember , these people keep EBAY rolling in the high cotton.
Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Franklin , Tennessee - not everyone was enjoying the holiday
" The turkey flew away "
" That turkey did not fly away. Franklin Police said it was illegal to have and confiscated it for themselves "
During the department's party , Sgt. Warner was over heard saying , " That was more fun than stealing their candy. I just might get promoted for this. Damn , the things I've learned from Tim " The Taylor Made For Man " Taylor " is just awesome. Now do you understand , what we can get away with , when you have a chief , who is way past their retirement age.
Off. Richards : Duh - uh , sarge ? How cum jackie is still lingering around here ?
Warner : Do you the way this department is being run right now ?
Richards : Well yeah , of course I do , well , Hell , we all do , heh heh heh. I mean , where else can you make a mockery of the law and get paid for it ?
Warner : Oh ? Things like what ?
Richards : Oh you know , things like beating up people with these gloves , especially made only for us police officers. Man O man , did you see that guy's eyes , after I finished with him ? ( inhales ) ohhhh man , this is some good shit. Are we still smoking the stuff we use for evidence ?
Warner : Then shut your hole and let that old dog sleep and yes , I saw your work , AND , I'll be expecting my usual fee for covering your ass AND yes we are still smoking " those hogs "
Richards : Not a prob , no prob t' all , man. I've got yo back pocket covered bro
Friday, November 21, 2008
Give Me That Money
Congress : What in God's name were you 3 thinking , by jetting in here in 3 private luxury planes ?
Big 3 : It's the life style we are accustomed to
Congress : Why did'nt you use a more private luxury airline , like Vanderbilt University Airlines ?
Big 3 : They have luxury jets ?
Congress : You bet cha they do and they will gladly fly you around for free
Big 3 : Free ? How can they do that ?
Congress : How do you think they can have tax exempt status , while making Billions in tax free profit ?
Big 3 : You guys did that ?
Congress : You bet cha. Now then , you set me and the boys up with free SUVs with free maintenance and gas and we will put you on their " Good Ole Boys " list.
Big 3 : Just like that ?
Congress : Yep , just like that. And of course , we will need our usual percentage , placed under the table and you do understand that is not refundable.
Big 3 : You do understand that we are broke , butt , we can pay you after we get " our money ".
Congress : Not a problem , we will just add another Billion to your requested total for our end.
Big 3 : You know what ? It would really help us , if we had that tax exempt status , like Vanderbilt.
Congress : No problem , no problem at all gentlemen. Butt of course you know , that'll cost ya extra.
Big 3 : Hmmmm. Are you talking about it costing us or the American people ?
Franklin Police Purchase New Motorcycles
Franklin ,Tennessee - some people were wondering why Franklin Police purchased imported motorcycles instead of American ones. BVD talked with the chief.
BVD : Why chief , why ?
chief jackie : Well , you know how it is with the UAW , look at what they did to AMF
BVD : Yes I know , butt , chief ,
jackie : Hey , no butts about it and that's final
BVD : Butt chief , the UAW helped get you your job , remember ?
jackie : Hey now , there'll be no talk 'bout that ,
BVD : Butt chief , it's true
jackie : I say hey now. Don't make me arrest you , boy. I swear to God , I'll have you locked up in our new building
BVD : You don't have a new building
jackie : That's right and the weather is awfully cold this time of year.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Talking About GM
Their remarks would have you to think that Congress was actually describing themselves.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The All Seeing Eye
Bailing Out GM
In this mornings paper , Laura hit the main points.
Yes , everyone knows she is talking about the UAW without mentioning names. Yeah , the GM/UAW consortium. The company that :
Does not hire Tennesseans because they are bare foot , back -in-them-thar-hills , Hillbillys. Butt , they still want a log cabin to live in.
They leave small towns after the free tax incentives have dried up
Together , they caused millions of non-GM mechanics to loose their jobs. Remember that 500 million dollar research facility ?
Yeah , the UAW , the people who push and muscle people around , when they don't get their way.
Yeah , it's the UAW or the highway. Remember that slogan ?
Remember SATURN ? The little car that would change the future ? Where is it now ?
Yeah , the UAW , the people who get paid more , than the people who are expected to buy their products.
Remember when people would beat the doors down to buy a GM product ? I mean , GM could put their name on a tuna can and people would fight each other to buy it. Then GM got to thinking about better ideas and their cars : would have rust holes after 90 days , the doors would'nt close , the UAW would put a bolt on a string inside the body frame and do you remember those diesel converted gasoline engines ?
And would'nt you know it , now they want my tax money. Well why not ? After all , America has given them everything else they whined for.
Butt , I remember GM's ads stating , " Without the help of the Japanese , we could not build a quality car "
Well , the more I think about it , the more I like the idea of the Japanese bailing out GM and their UAW.
Lost In Space
In Earth Orbit over Franklin , Tennessee - everyone is running this story into the ground , about the astronaut letting their tool bag float away , during a space walk.
BVD : OK , OK , OKay , enough already. Why the big deal about a stupid story ? I mean , it's not about Science or even education.
Jerry : It seems the astronaut had taken his retirement savings into space with them and the money was in the bag.
BVD : Now tell me , oh please tell me , why would an astronaut take their retirement savings into space ?
Jerry : Because the interests on their money was sooo low down here , they thought it would go up more in space
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Christmas Shopping on PayPal
Well , not exactly. Here's how it works - you pay for your ebay item , using PayPal. Then , your item arrives and it's not what you see in the auction. The seller laughs in your face and sooo , you complain to PayPal. If you can find their phone number , that is.
PayPal states they will investigate. The seller lies of cource. Meanwhile , it is your responsiblility to return , at your own expence , the item to the seller with a tracking number plus insurance. Once this is done , PayPal refunds your auction price , less all shipping costs. Other wise , you do not get a refund , even if PayPal agrees with your complaint.
So , are you protected ? Not really. PayPal's protection plan looks good on paper , butt , that's ass far ass it goes.
Read the seller's feedback if they have less than 100 % rating.
There are a few ebay sellers that will give a refund and the junk being sold on ebay is growing everyday. Meanwhile , don't be afraid to give negative feedback. I'm not.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bush Does'nt Get It
Jay Leno : Mr. President , would you explain how your popularity ratings were so high , when you went into The White House and during your 2 terms , your popularity ratings have become the lowest for any president
Bush : Jay , I don't think you understand. Right now my ratings are the highest for any president ass I leave The White House.
Friday, November 07, 2008
St. Thomas Shoots Flu Shots
Jerry : Hey man , you OK ?
BVD : ( Slowly drags himself thru the door and lifts his shirt sleeve )
Jerry : Holy Happy Horse Shit Batman , you're bleeding all over the place. What happened ?
BVD : I got my flu shot
Jerry : Well , this aint no Horse Shit flu shot hole in your arm man , someone was drilling for oil
BVD : Yeah , well , the Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville was at the " Y " this morning giving flu shots
Jerry : ( plays doctor getting the bleeding stopped and bandaged ) Man , I can not believe St. Thomas did this to you. Are you sure these people didn't come from Southern Hills Hospital ( aka Suffering Hills Hospital )
BVD : Yeah , it was them
Jerry : Well , at least there was someone there to bandage you
BVD : Are you kidding ? I had to put a bandage on myself , no one would help or even ask what was wrong
Jerry : Well now , that does explain why this bandage was'nt covering the hole , ( giggling )
BVD : I guess it could have been worse
Jerry : Oh yeah , how's that ?
BVD : I could have been mistaken for a lawyer
Jerry : Hmmmm , maybe you were and you just did'nt realize it
BVD : Hmmm , you're right , that would certainly explain a lot
Go Get 'Em
Jerry : The people say , the top project for our new president is tackling the economic crisis. How or where would you suggest President Obama start ?
BVD : Well , have you noticed how nervous The Pentagon is ? Never in past president's history has The Pentagon gone all out to bring in a newbie.
Jerry : Hmm , ya know , now that you mention it , they do seem to be dropping more than just bombs this week.
BVD : You know what would be sooooo badly funny ?
Jerry : I'm clueless , make the sunshine for me on this rainy morning
BVD : Okay , try this on for size. On his first day in office , President Obama gets out of the office and walks straight into The Pentagon , kicks the first trash can he sees across the room and demands an explanation of why The Pentagon spends 20,000$ dollars for toilet seats , 12,000$ for hammers , ect , ect , ect.
Jerry : Ooooooooooooooh man , now that's a wake up call.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The New Prez
Jerry : Hey man , what's up ?
BVD : Well , now that Obama is the new man about town , how do you feel ?
Jerry : Like everyone else feels right now , get that Bush out of my White House and do it TODAY !
BVD : I wonder how long it will take him to realize the enormity of what he has taken on ? How soon will he wake up and say , he changed his mind and no longer wants this job ?
Jerry : Time will tell. I was wondering what mines Bush has lying around in wait for him. You know , something tells me , that Obama is going to walk into something and get blasted for it. Even though Bush is responsible , Obama will get the blame.
BVD : Hm , I think you're right on that one. How 'bout them American people , eh ? They have voted and now they feel they've done their job and the rest is up to Obama. They just don't get it , do they ?
Jerry : Well , how many years is it now and they still don't understand , that operating a government is a 24/7 job ? The constitution says government for the people by the people. It does not say , vote and it's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !
BVD : Ha ha ha ha , that's a good one , I'm gonna steal that one. Butt , yes , you're right on that remark. Obama needs everyone's support and it's an all week process , week after week , until his time is up. Well happy horseshit , man , what difference does it make now any way ? 2012 is here and staring us all in the face. Obama will be this country's last president unless of course , 2012 is just silly assed nonsense.
Jerry : What say you , we all chip in and support Obama until we are all shown otherwise , how 'bout it ?
BVD : So , I wonder what Bush will be doing , while Americans govern their government ?
Jerry : Oh I dunno , maybe write his memoirs for posterity to remember him by ?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Not On File
Franklin , Tennessee - BVD dropped in to see how the Obama party was doing when the subject of Franklin Police dampened things a bit.
Jerry : Hey BVD , check this out. ( hands him a log book )
BVD : ( low whistle ) Jerry , you've got enough here to demand Chief jackie's resignation.
Jerry : Ya think ?
BVD : What's with these pictures ?
Jerry : The van does not have a license plate , butt , it does have a Tennessee Trooper plate on the front
BVD : Hm , well , you don't really think that Tennessee's troopers have cleaned up their act do you
Jerry : Of course not , butt , this is the vehicle seen at the scene of a burglary and Franklin Police Detective Black has refused to check it out
BVD : Why ?
Jerry : He says the people are not home to ask questions
BVD : Hm , sounds like a cover up. Say , why have you not mentioned this ( points to a page in the book ) ?
Jerry : I was saving that for a rainy day
BVD : You know Jerry , up until now , I had thought you had some kind of a grudge against Franklin Police , butt seeing this log book , I mean , you've got names , faces , license plates that aren't on file , dates , pictures , ect , ect , ect. Until now , I had not realized how dirty Franklin Police were. Then add the article in the WAM , from last September about the police covering up an officer's sexual appetite , outside of his wife and while on duty. It's no wonder Franklin Police have over 700 current crime reports not being investigated. I mean , with Franklin Police being so busy covering up themselves , they don't have time for anything else.
Jerry : Ya think ?
BVD : Sooo , this is what's been keeping you so busy